Fake News and Critical Theory

Liberal journalist/blogger Matthew Yglesias jumped into the recent “fake news” fray with a tweet that blamed capitalism: Fake news is the natural manifestation of financial capitalism in the media industry. If he wrote “is a” instead of...


This morning, one of my political friends shared a “meme” in a political group, and asked for comments about its validity, lack thereof, and so forth. It was an easy dissection, and far less interesting than the notion that combining a phrase, sentence or...

Rerouting the Stream

In an election seemingly chock-full of paradigm shifts, one involving the press’s traditional role as “gatekeepers” of information bears special attention. Traditionally, politicians pass information to the citizenry through the press. Since both the...

Flagrant Fear and False Compassion

If you ask Democrats and liberals who are still in shock over the Trump victory about their feelings since November 8th, you’ll find many who cite fear as their biggest emotion. Fear for the future of the country. Fear of losing so many of the gains their side...