A President, Not A King

Today, a man who is loved/hated by millions will replace a man who is loved/hated by millions as President of The United States. There is little doubt that the American President is the most powerful man in the world, but it behooves us to remember that his is not the...

Contrarianism As Ideology

It is in the nature of politics for groups to hold onto cherished ideas and signature policies. People are drawn to parties or ideologies because they believe in them, and once in are unlikely to step out or away. Thus, ideas and policies are persistent, and political...

How To Lie Without Lying

Here’s a recent PBS headline: Trumps considers limiting media access to the White House. An average reader might interpret this as the President-Elect planning to reduce the press’s access to himself, his cabinet and his staff. After all, that’s what...

Choosing Our Battles

This past week has brought us a death sentence for mass murderer Dylann Roof and the intent to prosecute the Chicago Facebook Torturers under hate crime statutes. While I, as a libertarian, object to both the death penalty (I take issue with granting the State the...

A Feature, Not A Bug

The attached Twitter comment recently caught my eye. Its tone is one of disbelief, and its intent is as a head-shaking lament about President-elect Trump’s cabinet nominations. I’m sure that Ashley’s like-minded followers commiserated in their...