Bootstrapping Authority

Socialized medicine advocates argue their case from angles both moral and practical. Their moral case, that civilized societies take care of their weak and needy, suffers from two major flaws: it conflates “society,” i.e. you and me and that which we do...

Government and Subversion From Within

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article continues the discussion of government and human nature, found here and here. Politics is, by definition, the relationship between people and governments, and most political conversations and debates are, at their core, about how much...

Socialism And Hive Minds

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article continues yesterday’s discussion of the irreconcilable disconnect between collectivist politics and human nature. Science fiction, the field of literature and entertainment that is freest to explore ideas that stand apart from...

Societal Evolution and Human Behavior

Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century: Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others; Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected; Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it; Refusing to set aside...

Political Correctness and the Left

Today I would like to explore the modern Left and its relationship with so-called “political correctness”. This topic is by no means unexplored; whole books have been written about it, and there are even hypotheses at loose in the wild that claim that...