by Peter Venetoklis | May 27, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
Having spent a lifetime around Greeks, and a couple decades working in the restaurant business with many Greeks, I’ve been well-exposed to the intricacies and eccentricities of Greek profanity. Greeks, being in general a religious people, have quite colorful...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | May 21, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
Part 2 – On The Other Hand…. … Where Woodrow Wilson fails: foreign affairs. During World War 1 President Wilson should have forced de colonization on Europeans from a position of strength: the Allies greatest peril was the German all-out offensive of...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 14, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
Back in the day, in this case the early 1980s, radio shock jock Howard Stern was driving scolds, prudes and nannies crazy with his antics on WNBC in New York. Stern’s success and the loyalty of his listeners, as the story goes, was parsed by radio executives as...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 11, 2017 | Election, Opinion, Politics
In a move that set the political world into a frenzy and the blogosphere on fire, Trump fired FBI director James Comey yesterday. Chaos ensued. Skyscrapers collapsed. Earthquakes swallowed Tokyo, San Francisco, Manila and Jakarta. Tidal waves wiped out low-lying...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 7, 2017 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
There’s an old gag I used to try on some of my more gullible friends in times past. Should gullibility ever come up, mention “did you know that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?” The goal, obviously, is to get them to look it up (and its...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 3, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
Have you ever known someone who cheated or otherwise wrong his or her spouse or significant other, then felt that “coming clean” was the proper course of action and the way to fix things? Me too. The logic, I suppose, is that such honesty will demonstrate...
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