by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Jun 5, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
Part 3 – Another Other Hand…. … Domestic policy Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader. — Woodrow Wilson Wilson’s quote stands in contrast with what American leaders usually write into our national story: “All men are...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jun 4, 2017 | Culture, Economics, Politics
Locavore. Farm-to-Table. Artisanal. Organic. Non-GMO. So go the labels for a modern trend among progressive, socially conscious diners, who see our industrialized, mass-production, agriculture industry as something to be eschewed, derided, and protested. This...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jun 3, 2017 | Culture, Environment, Opinion, Politics
This week’s non-shocking news out of the White House centers on Trump’s decision to withdraw America from the Paris Climate Accord. It’s non-shocking in that it was a campaign promise, although in the realm of politics, perhaps it is a shock that a...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 31, 2017 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
What is the message of today’s Democratic Party and of the Left in general? Yes, we know “Trump sucks,” and Hillary should have won, and the GOP has been taken over by right wing extremists and religious zealots that are going to turn the nation into...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 29, 2017 | Opinion, Politics
The American Revolution was by no means a universally embraced dream, way back in its infancy in the mid-late 1700s. By John Adams’ estimation, preferences were divided somewhat equally between “loyalists, fence-sitters, and patriots.” The loyalists,...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 28, 2017 | Economics, Opinion, Politics
A silly little graphic popped up on my Facebook feed today. It presented a two-dimensional political chart, with authoritarian at the top, libertarian at the bottom, economic-left on the left and economic-right on the right. It then devolved this political spectrum...
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