How Many More Lives?

It has been a scant few years since leftists, liberals, progressives, and statist dreamers sang the praises of Venezuela’s socialism. The roster of famous praisers includes Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Jeremy Corbyn, a Hillary...

Don’t Steal…

The Government Hates Competition A heretofore under-reported bit of government odiousness is finally getting the headline treatment it so richly deserves. Civil asset forfeiture, where government seizes money and property it believes was involved in or the result of a...

What’s in a Name?

This morning, as I surfed the news and social media, I came across a Freedomworks Facebook post. The content of the post aside, what clicked in my head was the organization’s choice of name, and how the name suggested the goals and mission. So, I decided to...

Quoting Jesus

If you’re reading this, it is very likely that you are an internet-savvy consumer of political opinion. If you are an internet-savvy consumer of political opinion, it is very likely you have seen memes that purport various things Jesus would say or do....