A Virtue-Signal Soft-Shoe

Late last week, the New York Times published an expose of Hollywood power player Harvey Weinstein, who, it appears, is a creep and a sexual predator who “paid off sexual harassment accusers for decades.” The Times report opened the floodgates. A number of...

What Laws Would You Pass?

The mass shooting in Las Vegas continues its hold on front pages and social media platforms, and the killer’s motives remain stubbornly unknown and mysterious. Since nature abhors a vacuum, and since this atrocity is tailor-made for the “do...

Liberals and Gun Rights

Do you think Trump’s a fascist? Did you despise the Patriot Act? Do you distrust the police and other government law enforcement? Do you support Black Lives Matter? Do you side or sympathize with with Antifa? Do you believe The Handmaid’s Tale is a...

Hating Sovereignty

President Trump caused quite a stir at the United Nations the other day. His speech before the General Assembly was hailed by many and disparaged by many more. No surprise there – Trump’s not been one to mince words or soft-pedal his message. He touched on...

Baltimore Stoops To Frame

To study the patterns of media umbranoshes and outrages, it seems the more one knows the less one understands. Try to make sense of rioting in the streets over the totally justified actions of the Police in the Michael Brown shooting, versus the comparative community...

Equal In Misery

Proving that there’s no idea so terrible that a politician cannot make it worse, today’s New York Post reports a nasty little nugget about BernieCare, Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposal to expand the government’s Medicare program to cover...