The Eight Percenters

An article in The Atlantic that surveyed attitudes towards political correctness in America, which I previously discussed here, noted that only about 8% of Americans considered themselves “progressive activists,” vs 25% for “devoted...

More Important Than Ever

The Kavanaugh confirmation battle has, as I discussed recently, fed the Orwellian sheep a new mantra. “Democracy!” we hear, over and over again, as a declaration that our nation’s system is not-democracy and therefore a Bad Thing. They are right, the...

No-Go Zones

The title phrase, drawn from an article on how transgender activists managed to spike some research they didn’t like, is a sharp and worrisome reference to certain areas of academic inquiry, where ideologues have succeeded in shutting down any opinion that...

The Exhausted Majority

A major piece in the Atlantic, and a related article at ABC News, point to an emerging problem for the Left: Their identity politics narrative isn’t working out for them. The Atlantic article offers some revealing statistics: 25% of Americans are “devoted...

Totalitarian Rapture

I had an odd little conversation with someone on the Internet a couple days ago, one where my counterpart actively defended socialism and communism as worthy ideals. Normally, such dialogues go a standard “it simply hasn’t been done right” path,...

Forgetting The New Goal

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is a follow-up to yesterday’s Forgetting The Goal Yesterday, I lamented that today’s progressives have forgotten the original goal of affirmative action, i.e. assisting individuals who’ve faced a greater challenge due...