Where Are The Aliens?

I used to be a nuclear rocket engineer. Really, I was. Department of Defense, NASA, missions to Mars and other planets… for a span of about 7 years during the Reagan-Bush era, I was eyeballs deep in it. My octogenarian aunt, who has lived her whole life on an...

Dreaming of Walls

While we libertarians revel in the government shut-down, we know that all good things will eventually come to an end (and, whatever money didn’t get spent will be made up retroactively, sad to say). From a popcorn-munching, pox-upon-both-their-houses perceptive,...

Blaming Things

When a drunk driver kills someone, we blame and punish the driver. When a drug dealer kills someone, we blame and punish the dealer. When a husband attacks his wife, we blame the husband. When a bomb explodes, we blame the bomber. When someone gets stabbed with a...

Swift-Kick Amnesia

At work one day (I’m a paramedic in New York City), I was called to a Subway sandwich shop by a manager concerned over a customer. He met us outside and said it was about a lady who had been there all day, and whom he found unreceptive when he went over to talk...