Our Rat Culture

Or… The Rise of the Hall Monitors Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt did Joe Rogan’s podcast back in January, and a snippet from that airing was helpfully offered to me by Youtube this morning. The topic of that moment was the “when” of the...
One Simple Question

One Simple Question

The New York Times has a long and well-established history of contempt for the state of Israel and for anything on her side of Israeli-Palestinian (and more broadly, Israeli-Arab) issues. Her editors had a bridge-too-far moment this past week when they ran a cartoon...

Tolerating Cash

My Facebook feed recently offered me one of those “red meat” posts intended to stoke outrage and mockery. In this instance, it was purportedly (and I stress purportedly – too many people have no qualms about making stuff up, and too many more have no...

Don’t You Dare Succeed

The effort to change the way New York City’s elite public high schools admit students provides us not only with a window into the progressive’s world view, but also with some insight as to the demands placed on our culture’s “oppressed”...