The Truth About BDS

Bill Maher, smug, arrogant gadfly that he is, gets a lot of things wrong, but occasionally gets something right. Today’s installment of blind-squirrel/broken-clock has to do with the BDS movement. For those who aren’t familiar, BDS stands for...

Tipper Trump

Movie naughtiness in the pre-MPAA era. “Jazz musicians,” code for black entertainers who smoked pot. Elvis Presley’s hips. Comic book salaciousness. The Beatles’ mop tops. Jim Morrison saying “get much higher” on Ed Sullivan....

Either/Or Terrorism

We witness, yet again, the horror of innocents going about their daily routines murdered en masse by a piece of human garbage. Twice in one day, in El Paso and Dayton. The history of such events cautions us to take our time in our pursuit of understanding, to avoid...

What Has Changed?

Two more mass shootings, and an entirely predictable spectrum of responses and proposed remedies from the usual sources. Politicians, both from the Rahm Emanuel angle and as a general rule, leap immediately to advance the solutions that fit their ideologies....