Muh Roads!

A funny Twitter rant came across my feed today, …you fucking level one rookie bitch-ass commentators on Twitter – I don’t understand it – you not foolin’ a libertarian by bringing up them bitch-ass roads! Indeed. The dismissive critics of...

Warren’s Health Care Delusion

Elizabeth Warren has many plans. Chief among them is her plan to nationalize one-seventh of America’s economy, by eliminating private health insurance in favor of what she calls “Medicare for All.” According to her, she’ll manage this by taxing...

Omar’s Dirty Hands

Freshman Congresswoman and “Squad” member Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was the lone Democrat not to vote in favor of a recent House resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support (that 11 Republicans voted against it...

Why the Left Hates Trump

I’ve had occasion several times over the last three years to wonder why the Left, American and not just American, hates Donald Trump with a level of passion so intense that they’re perfectly willing to bring the United States to its knees to get rid of...

The TERFs Were Right

Four years ago, I lamented the coercive homogenization of how we think that was born of the morphing of “political correctness” into “propaganda compliance.” Part of that lament was the emergence of an internecine battle between feminists and...