Quid Pro… So?

Quid Pro… So?

Quid Pro Quo. Three monosyllabic Latin words, that mean “something for something.” They are dominating the news, aka the Trump Impeachment S***show (fill in the stars as you will), in a binary fashion. The Democrats and others who want Trump defenestrated...
We Know Better

We Know Better

I had dinner with a group of friends last night, and in typical fashion, much of the conversation was political. One friend put forth a surprising (to me) assertion: that it was a proper function of government to provide health care to everyone. He called it a...
Uryens and Leondegrance

Uryens and Leondegrance

Or… Trump the Mundane. A deep-dive into the cobwebbed recesses of my pop culture recollection dug out this snippet from John Boorman’s magnificent 1981 film Excalibur, which quite succinctly encapsulates the Trumpian political landscape of today. I...

Faith In Our Institutions

The Trump impeachment tempest has been ebbing and flowing since the moment he won the election – before even his inauguration, it seems. While it dominates the news, it is but one of many other governmental tempests, including a medley of shenanigans surrounding...

Banning Ignorance

A current, virally popular Internet meme template is “Woman Yelling At A Cat,” which depicts Real Housewife of Beverly Hills Taylor Armstrong crying and pointing at a smug-looking (aren’t they all?) white cat, with a caption that mocks the woman for...

Explaining Trump to Brits

The question of how would I explain the Donald Trump Presidency to a British person appeared in my social media feed. As it happens, I actually did try to explain the Trump phenomenon, except in 2016. I was with my wife on a trip to Dublin. I was sitting on a bench in...