Death By Lawfare

Death By Lawfare

It is fitting this country be fraught, to the point of possible division, by our legal dysfunction. Our losing principle and clarity to our legal arms races are undermining the traditional foundations of the nation. The evolution is only emphasized by the latest...
Besieged By Our Mentees

Besieged By Our Mentees

Another war, with yet another Middle Eastern adversary, this time Iran, seems closer than ever. Iran’s response to the killing of their hybrid-war-terrorism mastermind, Qasam Soleimani, seems a calculated saving of face, but the bloodshed is unlikely to end...
Too Big To Be Cancelled

Too Big To Be Cancelled

A couple writers over at The Post Millennial chimed in over the recent JK Rowling kerfuffle (for those unaware, JK caught the wild eye of the woke horde by tweeting support for a (female) researcher who got fired for stating that biological sex is real. Comparing the...