Mask Manners

Mask Manners

Would you find a politically-charged controversy about looking both ways before crossing the street perplexing? Would you be puzzled by its polarizing by political party, with finger-pointing across the aisle? Would you wonder what law (on the most lawed-upon people...
Defund The Schools

Defund The Schools

Robby Soave, a senior editor at the libertarian, offered us a ‘lemonade’ opportunity yesterday, by suggesting we “defund” public schools if the teachers’ unions decide to seize their moment and ensure even less work for their...
A Second Amendment Event?

A Second Amendment Event?

There’s a public argument phenomenon that gun rights defenders and Second Amendment defenders are quite familiar with: “gotcha” questions written by the ill-informed. Step into any on-going debate over gun rights, and you’ll almost invariably...
Woke Word Salad

Woke Word Salad

I do enjoy going on Internet safari from time to time. I find visits to far-left websites and social media pages enlightening and informative, even though I find less and less in common with their denizens’ views with the passage of time. Used to be, a...