by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 2, 2021 | Election, Opinion, Politics
Joe Biden became the Democrats’ nominee by projecting a “milder” agenda than the balance of the Democratic primary field. His party barely squeaked out a victory against a President who failed to capitalize on the various policy successes of his...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 29, 2021 | Economics, Opinion, Politics
Speculative fiction writers, whether they be “science-y” or not, often bring us visions of possible futures. Some are optimistic, some less so. Some fall into the “dystopian” category, defined by the Oxford Languages folks as, “relating...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 28, 2021 | Economics, Environment, Health, Opinion, Politics
As promised (or as threatened, if you prefer), President Biden has made quick moves to advance the “greening” of America. Or, more accurately, to satiate the green lobby, an unholy alliance of ignorant virtucrats and corporate rent-seekers. He killed the...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Jan 27, 2021 | Opinion, Politics
A libertarian site needs another article on “homo sapiens good,” “homo politicus bad” like a fish needs a bicycle. Yet, here we are again, with obvious points of morality for individuals twisted beyond recognition as they grind through the mind...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 26, 2021 | Culture, Education, Opinion, Politics
While looking for the exact wording of a Stalin quote, I found this nugget on a Wikipedia page: [E]specially in Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China and Pol Pot’s Cambodia, a fanatical certainty that socialism could be made to work motivated communist...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 25, 2021 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
I’m sure you’ve heard it time and again: Biden and his people asserting that they’re going to ‘follow the science’ and ‘listen to the experts’ in setting policy and making decisions. To those who’ve been paying...
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