How ‘Bout That Emmy?

How ‘Bout That Emmy?

Here in my home state of New York, land of the second-highest per-capita COVID mortality rate in the nation, a major scandal is unfolding in slow-motion. Governor Cuomo, the object of swooning adulation this past spring for his supposedly “adult” handling...
Capitol Theater

Capitol Theater

In the wake of the January 6th riot at the Capitol, 25,000 National Guard troops were dispatched to DC, presumably to establish order and protect the Government against other acts of insurrection. Five weeks later, with nary a protestor in sight, 5000 troops remained...
The Neverending Derangement

The Neverending Derangement

To no one’s surprise, the Senate failed to convict Trump on the impeachment charge forwarded by the House. What was originally put forth as a “save the nation from his lunacy the last two weeks of his term” was flipped on its head to a tepid...
…As Long As It’s Mandatory

…As Long As It’s Mandatory

A political friend shared a quote on social media today: “Liberals, I have heard it said, don’t care what we do as long as it is mandatory.” — Joseph Epstein This echoes a popular meme (and T-shirt, and other merchandise. A thumbs up for free...