Euphemizing Mass Shootings

In comments made regarding the recent Planned Parenthood shooting, President Obama stated: I say this every time we have one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries. This statement, being offered in Paris, less than three weeks after...

Politial Taqiya

Some political issues have short lives. Some tend to linger, or pop up from time to time before fading to the background. Some are timeless, seemingly never resolved to the point where the players and partisans accept that an outcome has evolved. Among those is the...

Crime vs Gun Crime

The recent shootings of a television reporter and her cameraman in Roanoke, Virginia has rekindled the seemingly endless gun debate. As has been the case of late, the various demands for “common sense reforms” have been met with push-back responses from...

Do… Something!

As I read an article regarding the difficulty of actually developing a rational and effective policy prescription in response to the Virginia reporter shooting, I kept hearing in my head echoes of the refrain I’ve heard more times than I can count: I don’t...

Arrogant Ignorance

There was a video (now deleted) making the rounds of a CNN reporter demonstrating his ignorance regarding firearms, specifically, what an “automatic weapon” is. During a discussion about the Ferguson riots, reporter Don Lemon confused semi-automatic...