More Climate Doomsaying

The usual places have been buzzing over the latest “deadline” to save the planet, one that’s quite interesting in both its timing and its delayed dissemination. A BBC report quotes “Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founder and now director emeritus...

Leave No Trace

As I picked up after my old hound dog today (yeah, a great “visual” with which to open an essay), I briefly pondered the life cycle of the plastic shopping bag that now contains his ablutions. I recently covered the empty self-importance surrounding the...

Energy Straits

Yesterday, we teetered on the verge of a shooting war with Iran, something that neocons are salivating over, but something that the rest of the country has little stomach for. And, for what? To keep the Strait of Hormuz unmolested, i.e. preserve shipping lanes for...