by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 7, 2019 | Economics, Environment, Politics
Environmental it-girl Greta Thunberg found herself stuck in Chile with nothing to do, after the nation cancelled its plans to host the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, aka COP25. The reason for the cancellation should give pause to Greta and...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 26, 2019 | Culture, Economics, Environment, Opinion, Politics
I recently finished binge-watching Red Oaks, a very pleasant comedy set in and around a New Jersey country club in the mid-late 1980s. Those of a certain age will remember that was the era of the emergence of Japanese business as a global powerhouse, and of American...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 20, 2019 | Economics, Environment, Health
A friend shared this Twitter snippet, which apparently crossed her facebook feed, presumably shared by a friend of leftist leanings. Her (wholly accurate) rebuttal offered that actually believing this, but choosing to share a meme instead of “storming their...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 14, 2019 | Culture, Environment, Politics
CNN contributor Bakari Sellers recently opined that: Climate change should be a definitive issue for Black voters, but it isn’t. He went on to blame the whiteness of environmental activist groups. He has a point… sort of. A survey by The Atlantic found that...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 12, 2019 | Economics, Environment, Politics
New York’s despotic Governor Andrew Cuomo, in what I surmise is a long-term effort to build a record of woke ahead of a Presidential run, has utilized the power of the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) (which governs waterways, among...
by Peter Venetoklis | Sep 24, 2019 | Culture, Education, Environment, Opinion, Politics
If you are reading this, you probably have heard, at least tangentially, of Greta Thunberg, a sixteen year old Swedish girl who has achieve international fame as a face and voice of a climate-activist youth movement. What you probably have not heard of, unless you pay...
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