Twin Altars of Human Sacrifice

A little over 50 years ago, a book called Silent Spring was published. The book and its author, Rachel Carson, were and are widely credited as the beginning of the modern environmental movement. While Carson and her book didn’t explicitly call for the events and...

Sloppy Logic Gone Viral

My friend John sent me this video, which has gone viral on YouTube (6 million hits), knowing I’d enjoy analyzing it. It’s awash in sloppy logic and fallacies, and gives the illusion of being a sound line of reasoning when it is anything but. Watch it, then...

If AGW is Real, What Do We Do

The extreme cold snaps of January sparked much gnashing of teeth among the chattering classes regarding anthropgenic global warming (AGW) aka climate change aka humans are a scourge on the earth, with some skeptics asking how “warming” is consistent with...

Who’s Really Anti-Science

A common accusation lobbed about by liberals is that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is anti-science. It’s often heard in global warming discussions, and it often involves the conflation of disagreement with the alarmist side of the theory with belief...

Musings on Global Warming

I’ve been skeptical of the alarmist version of anthropogenic global warming for some time now. The roots and basis of my skepticism are fleshed out in a much longer piece that’s still in the works, but all that can be set aside in favor of a short and...

A Billion A Day To Fight Global Warming

Today, Drudge briefly headlined a report that about a billion dollars a day are being spent to combat global warming. I searched the headline out and found it plastered all over right-wing websites, so I got a bit suspicious. But, when I clicked through to the...