Warming Up To Lukewarmism

President Trump’s proposed budget includes, among its many cutbacks, substantial cuts to the EPA’s budget and plans to zero out global warming research. Naturally, leftists are agog, agape, and apoplectic. Dogmatic faith in the catastrophic version of...

Global Warming and The Sun

If you have ever been in a debate between a global warming skeptic and a global warming catastrophist, you know that sooner or later the issue of the Sun will arise. Skeptics view solar input as likely being the most significant contributor to any climate change that...

Is the Earth’s Climate in Trouble?

A great deal of ink and angst has been spent by climate warriors and skeptics over the question of whether global warming is real, how big it is, and what to do about it. Maybe, however, these are not the right questions to be asking. I happened recently to come...

Recycling Recycling

There’s a cute series of advertisements populating basic cable these days, offered by the Ad Council, that encourage us to recycle our plastic containers of various sorts. The ads anthropomorphize plastic bottles, if you can believe it, to make obvious and...

Population Dissonance

A common and long-running theme among statist big thinkers is that people are having too many babies and thereby overtaxing the planet. We first heard such negativity from Thomas Malthus nearly 250 years ago, but have yet to witness the famine and resource depletion...

Climate Change and Unicorn Farts

Among the many incongruities found among global warming alarmists, there is perhaps none so stark as the opposition to nuclear power that many advocates for decarbonizing energy production embrace. On paper, nuclear power seems the ideal alternative to coal, oil and...