by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 29, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion
My brother and I have a vacation house in upstate New York, a quiet retreat in a small Southern Tier town where we gather with family and/or friends a few times a year to escape from our daily routines. The house is an on-going project for me, and I’ve...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 24, 2018 | Education, Health, Opinion, Politics
There’s an old adage that goes “don’t steal, the government hates competition.” As another old adage advises, “truer words were never spoken,” especially the “government hates competition” part, and more expansively true...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 21, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion
The title phrase, drawn from an article on how transgender activists managed to spike some research they didn’t like, is a sharp and worrisome reference to certain areas of academic inquiry, where ideologues have succeeded in shutting down any opinion that...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 16, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion, Politics
The mountains of mockery heaped upon Elizabeth Warren for her tin-ear revelation of her DNA-tested proof that she does, indeed, have a few micrograms of Native American heritage have reopened, at least in some circles, discussion of affirmative action and diversity....
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 6, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion, Politics
As the Kavanaugh confirmation saga nears its end, some news out of Harvard raises an interesting question. The fabled university, either under pressure from activist students or of its own volition, announced that Kavanaugh won’t be returning to teach a course...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 3, 2018 | Culture, Education, Politics
*Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to Losing Americana, and part of a series on the “real” greatness of America. A political friend recently shared the observation: Indoctrination is a necessary evil to keep societies from being torn apart....
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