by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 5, 2016 | Culture, Drug Policy, Guns, Health, Politics
Here’s a little tidbit you may not know: In some jurisdictions, stun guns and tasers are more restricted than handguns. This bit of oddness (guns are clearly more lethal than tasers) is being challenged on Second Amendment grounds by people involved with the...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 29, 2016 | Culture, Drug Policy, Politics
There’s an old bit of folklore, told in various forms, about a man who got a flat tire and pulled over outside the fence of a mental institution. The story relates how, as he started changing the tire, he noticed a man on the other side of the fence staring at...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 28, 2016 | Culture, Drug Policy, Election, Politics
The fallout from the decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server as Secretary of State has spilled over into the realm of legal theory. Legal experts, (what would we do without experts?) have opined with a supposed maxim of our...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 25, 2016 | Drug Policy
Ambrosia Soto, mayor of Pungarabato, a small town west of Mexico City, was murdered last Saturday, reportedly for refusing to pay a local drug gang protection money from the town’s budget. Domingo Lopez Gonzalez, mayor of San Juan Chamula, a town in the southern...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 10, 2016 | Drug Policy, Economics, Politics, Taxation
The murder of five police officers in Dallas, an atrocity rooted in the boiled-over tension between urban blacks and the police officers that watch over them, has created various firestorms of protest, counter-protest, and Internet virtue signaling (the last being the...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Jul 4, 2016 | Culture, Drug Policy, Politics
I am a paramedic with over two decades working all over New York City. I worked in Harlem during the crack epidemic and have seen heroin trends come and go. Of all the public health officials who deal with drug abuse, we are the only ones who actually contact the...
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