Baltimore Stoops To Frame

To study the patterns of media umbranoshes and outrages, it seems the more one knows the less one understands. Try to make sense of rioting in the streets over the totally justified actions of the Police in the Michael Brown shooting, versus the comparative community...

Don’t Steal…

The Government Hates Competition A heretofore under-reported bit of government odiousness is finally getting the headline treatment it so richly deserves. Civil asset forfeiture, where government seizes money and property it believes was involved in or the result of a...

Deregulation Doomsayers

A bad man uses a gun to inflict harm on others, and, as sure as Pavlov’s dog salivating at the ringing of a bell, the usual scolds decry the insufficiency of the laws meant to prohibit bad men from getting guns. The lament is typically combined with contempt for...

Steroid Crimes and Misdemeanors

As will increasingly be a question: the great baseball players whose careers coincided with the peak of the steroid era are being considered for admission into the Hall of Fame. Are they worthy? Like any debate on ethics, the answers are clear to child’s logic...