Natural Nonsense

A friend and former employee who has gone all-in on healthy living and all things natural has been sharing a variety of links and news stories with me of late – stories decrying GMO foods, Big Pharma, chemotherapy and Monsanto as the greatest evils of modern...

Accidental Racism

Just in from an alternate universe that we might call the left wing of the left wing comes a declaration that the three-meal-a-day routine that is the norm of daily life is racist. This deep insight comes courtesy of Kiera Butler, a senior editor at Mother Jones. The...

Good is Bad?

I came across an interesting observation on a political page yesterday. The commenter asked why it seemed that the people most certain that the science of global warming was settled and irrefutable were oftentimes vocally anti-vaccine and anti-GMO. At first blush, it...

Climate Change As Religious Dogma

Earlier today, an internet friend of an internet friend posted this comment: So they have a truth which is unalterable, it’s beneath them to debate with outsiders, they have texts full of dire prophecies I mean predictions that never seem to come true. They sell...

Cultural Butterflies

I caught a documentary about the late great rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix last night. I knew parts of his story, and of course am familiar with his music and on the effect it had on the British and American music scene in the late 1960s. I was also reminded that he was...

The Narcissism of Small Differences

A century ago, Sigmund Freud coined the phrase the narcissism of small differences. He built upon previous works to postulate the phenomenon that: it is precisely communities with adjoining territories, and related to each other in other ways as well, who are engaged...