Curated Outrage

Curated Outrage

Hamas, a terrorist organization committed to the end of Israel as a nation, started shooting rockets into Israel a few weeks ago. Israel responded. After a few thousand rockets and a death toll that, depending on who’s reporting, numbers from dozens to hundreds,...
Rights And Their Burdens

Rights And Their Burdens

A pastor I know of has had to abandon an important sermon, “everything is accepted, while nothing is forgiven”. It wasn’t because the Deacons found the subject matter too challenging or inappropriate. This does happen, by the way. My dad, who grew up...
Property Wars

Property Wars

Our current cultural clash, the conflict between the progressives (see: moving forward) who see our society as so fractured it has to be torn down en-toto (in favor of… wait for it… a century-old idea that killed a hundred million people) and the...
Policy and Experts

Policy and Experts

Back when he was writing a column for the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page (Best of the Web Today) instead of editing it, James Taranto had a daily feature called “What Would We Do Without Experts?” It, clearly, mocked absurd expert opinions, and...