Socialism’s Mad Men

A mere few years back, the American Left was doing its best to avoid association with the term socialism. Hardcore liberals weren’t happy about it, because they liked the principles of socialism, but came to understand that the rest of the nation, and not just...

Off The Reservation

It’s no secret that leftists reserve their greatest scorn, derision and vitriol for people who, by demographic category, are supposed to side with them but choose not to. Pro-life women and black conservatives are two of the more prominent categories subject to...

The Regressive Left

The evolutionary biologist and noted atheist Richard Dawkins was caught up in a brouhaha after sharing on his Twitter feed a link to a video that mockingly depicts a commonality between the beliefs of Islamists and feminists. Dawkins’ tweet included the comment...

Human Trafficking Turned On Its Head

I often find a fair bit of schadenfreude when I witness by-the-book liberals twisting in the winds of dissonance. One of the more satisfying forms of this comes when an organization exalted by the Left says something that the Left cannot abide. Watching the outrage,...

The Burned Hand Teaches Best

The title of this essay is the first half of a quote from J.R.R. Tolkien. I have long believed that in this bit of wisdom lies the only solution to the endlessly creeping statism that’s been engulfing the United States the way The Blob did its victims....