26 Years Old

26 Years Old

Albert Einstein wrote his revolutionary paper on special relativity at age 26. Henry David Thoreau delivered a Harvard Commencement address at age 19. Jane Austen wrote Pride and Prejudice at age 20. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computer at age 21. Orson Welles...

Flipping the Scales of Justice

Way, way back in 2012, a gay couple walked into a Colorado bakery to order a cake to celebrate their wedding. The bakery’s owners, citing their religious beliefs that gay marriage was wrong, declined. The gay couple took the bakers to court, where they argued...

Why We Have Safe Spaces

Social media make it incredibly quick and easy for any of us to post our thoughts and opinions on, well, anything. Easy often translates to lazy or without much thought, as the seemingly endless parade of celebrities who have their ill-conceived or foot-in-mouth...

Tribalistic Decay

It has been a terrible week. In Louisiana, a black man selling CDs was killed by two white police officers as they sought to arrest him. In Minnesota, a black man pulled over for a traffic stop was killed by a police officer after the man informed the officer that he...

Crusaders and Critics

Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger recently called political correctness moral condescension, a description that is as apt and appropriate as any I’ve ever heard. It even rivals George Will’s phrase synthetic outrage in pithiness and brevity....