You’ll Never Be “Just” Enough

I added a new word to my social justice lexicon today: “woke.” It joins countless other words and acronyms, but it is not merely an addition. It is the epitome, it is the acme, it is Buddhism’s Arhat. It is (for now), the pinnacle of achievement and...

Liberals That Hate Liberty

Stories about people’s Trump signs and placards being stolen have become so common that only the ones with “bonus” features are bothering to register in the zeitgeist nowadays. One man electrified his signs after seven were stolen and after video...

Hating Others’ Success

News that the Obama Administration was implementing some rule changes in order to increase revenue from estate taxes reminded me of an old quote: “The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers with the...

Social Justice and Original Sin

The internet has gone all atwitter over a recording of a woman berating a Lyft driver for having a Hawaiian hula doll on his dashboard. The short video is well worth a watch, if only to demonstrate that social justice warriors (SJWs) do exist in real life and do fit...

The Government and the Flag

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick made recent headlines by choosing not to stand for the playing of the National Anthem before a game in which he participated. He offered his reasons for doing so, and the NFL has accepted his right not to stand. While...