Killing Pride

I caught a recent interview between magician Penn Jillette and libertarian journalist Nick Gillespie (and broke my no-listening rule because I wanted to hear Penn’s thoughts on Trump, given his extensive first-hand contact with him). The interview ranges far and...

Tolerating Intolerance

A chess tournament may seem an odd place to find a cautionary tale about political correctness and appeasement, yet the World Chess Federation’s upcoming tournament in Iran offers just that. Since Iran requires all women, including foreigners and non-Muslims, to...

Poisoning the Melting Pot

This past weekend brought us yet more reminders of the stark realities of radical Islam. In St. Cloud, Minnesota, eight people were stabbed by a Somali man who made references to Allah. In New York, a bomb exploded in a dumpster in Chelsea, injuring 29 people. Another...

Ignoring The Inconvenient

An American woman set a record at this year’s Olympic games. She became the first woman and the first summer Olympian to medal in six consecutive Olympics. Only one other athlete in the entire history of the Games has matched this feat (an Italian man who...