Obstructing Straw Men

Since I typically have a low opinion of those who have high opinions of themselves, I tend to tune out celebrities’ and artists’ political squawkings. The evidence of Trump’s election suggests that many others do, as well, and it’s typically...

Oppressed Liberals

Political correctness and social justice are complicated and ever-evolving movements, but they can be distilled down to a simple, Manichean dualism: You are either oppressor or oppressed. What you are depends on demographic markers: race, gender, ethnicity, sexual...

Population Dissonance

A common and long-running theme among statist big thinkers is that people are having too many babies and thereby overtaxing the planet. We first heard such negativity from Thomas Malthus nearly 250 years ago, but have yet to witness the famine and resource depletion...

It’ll Be Us, Not The Robots

The comedian and television auteur Louis CK once observed that he didn’t let his kids onto social media, because social media lacks the immediate feedback that personal interactions provide. A kid that hurts another’s feelings face to face can instantly...

Who Will Stand Up For Young Muslim Women?

Two weeks ago, an 18 year old NY Muslim woman, Yasmin Seweid, reported being attacked by three drunks who called her a terrorist and tried to steal her hijab. Today, it turns out that she fabricated the story in order to cover for being out past curfew. She is now...

Fake News and Critical Theory

Liberal journalist/blogger Matthew Yglesias jumped into the recent “fake news” fray with a tweet that blamed capitalism: Fake news is the natural manifestation of financial capitalism in the media industry. If he wrote “is a” instead of...