Recycling Recycling

There’s a cute series of advertisements populating basic cable these days, offered by the Ad Council, that encourage us to recycle our plastic containers of various sorts. The ads anthropomorphize plastic bottles, if you can believe it, to make obvious and...

Veganism and Progressive Politics

Every so often, a new example of “meat” made from vegan ingredients crosses my consciousness. The latest, a vegan brisket, prompted me to ask “Why?!” Why do people who advocate veganism look to create such things? Why are scientists trying to...

Steroid Crimes and Misdemeanors

As will increasingly be a question: the great baseball players whose careers coincided with the peak of the steroid era are being considered for admission into the Hall of Fame. Are they worthy? Like any debate on ethics, the answers are clear to child’s logic...

Contrarianism As Ideology

It is in the nature of politics for groups to hold onto cherished ideas and signature policies. People are drawn to parties or ideologies because they believe in them, and once in are unlikely to step out or away. Thus, ideas and policies are persistent, and political...

The Fractal Nature of Identity Politics

Fractals are quintessential examples of beauty in nature. By definition, they are patterns or shapes that repeat themselves at ever smaller scales. In this, they are perfect metaphors for modern identity politics. Distilled to their essence, identity politics are...