When The State Fails its People

Early last year, HBO offered up a new, expanded version of The Godfather I & II. Building on the idea behind the 1977 Godfather Saga, which presented the original two films in chronological order with some deleted scenes added back, the Godfather Epic runs a bit...

Societal Evolution and Human Behavior

Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century: Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others; Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected; Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it; Refusing to set aside...

Functionality And The Law

The law has to live in functionality for it to live in flesh and blood. History knows that most ideas of governance and law are simply not livable. Consider the Constitution of the Soviet Union. Most modern Americans would call it enlightened. What happened? There...

Political Correctness and the Left

Today I would like to explore the modern Left and its relationship with so-called “political correctness”. This topic is by no means unexplored; whole books have been written about it, and there are even hypotheses at loose in the wild that claim that...

The War on Responsibility

Sound the alarms! In just a couple decades, life expectancy in America will be no better than in that third-world, brown-person hellhole, Mexico!! That last bit is sarcasm, of course. Mexico has been doing very well for herself and her people, and could do even better...