Transphobia, or Common Sense?

The transgender “controversy,” for want of a better word, has seemed to me very much a tempest in a teapot, an issue that’s resolvable by basic free market forces and basic courtesy, and that has been used as a source of deliberately excessive...


This week, the streaming network Hulu premieres its original adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s best-selling novel The Handmaid’s Tale. The novel, a dystopian near-future tale about an America that has descended into theocratic patriarchy, reflected fear...

Motivated By Fear

The science fiction classic Dune finds the main character invoking the “Litany Against Fear” as he endured a test of will. The Litany, which reads: I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will...

The Big Bomb

Recently, as part of the seemingly endless war in Afghanistan, the US military dropped a massive, 22,000 lb munition on an ISIS tunnel complex. The munition, formally named GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), but happily dubbed “Mother Of All...

Hating Success

It’s generally a good idea, when a news bit elicits either a “hoo-rah” moment of empowered concurrence, to take a breath and ponder the why and wherefore of that hoo-rah. So it should with the story of the Fearless Girl statue recently placed in...

Amalgamating Antipathy

Hollywood wunderkind and vocal anti-Trump activist Joss Whedon offered up a lulu of a tweet a couple days ago, where he suggested that the reported kidnapping and murder of a number of gay men by authorities in Chechnya is a prelude of what will happen in America if...