Pronouns Over Policy

What is the message of today’s Democratic Party and of the Left in general? Yes, we know “Trump sucks,” and Hillary should have won, and the GOP has been taken over by right wing extremists and religious zealots that are going to turn the nation into...

False Morality

The other day, I had an extended… lets call it a “discussion…” with a couple socialized medicine advocates on the Internet. Yes, yes, silly me. Arguing on the Internet is like (per Google’s third suggestion) playing chess with a pigeon....

Zero-Sum Feminism

Conservative gadfly Milo Yiannopoulos, never averse to sharing his views, had a fun exchange in late 2016 with ABC News reporter Terry Moran. Nestled in among Milo’s trademark bluntness and take-downs of politically correct themes was a very astute observation...

Peak Gullibility

There’s an old gag I used to try on some of my more gullible friends in times past. Should gullibility ever come up, mention “did you know that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?” The goal, obviously, is to get them to look it up (and its...