Riots, and Who They Concern

Riot, public insurrections, activism: the definitions are as debatably charged as the modern hyper-prisms people look at politics through in this day and age, so henceforth, I’m referring to these things as “events.” Before we parse event factors or merits...

Content-Based Liberty

The NFL “take a knee” controversy, once an annoying brush fire, has turned into a full-blown conflagration, with protestations, counter-protestations, expressions of “solidarity,” gestures, regrets in both directions, and calls for systematized...

The Lost Art of Indifference

There was a time, not that long ago, where people could hear or read an opinion they disagreed with and not feel the urge to hurl insults or demand that someone silence the sharer of that nonconforming opinion. There was a time, not that long ago, where Other...

Baltimore Stoops To Frame

To study the patterns of media umbranoshes and outrages, it seems the more one knows the less one understands. Try to make sense of rioting in the streets over the totally justified actions of the Police in the Michael Brown shooting, versus the comparative community...

Equal In Misery

Proving that there’s no idea so terrible that a politician cannot make it worse, today’s New York Post reports a nasty little nugget about BernieCare, Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposal to expand the government’s Medicare program to cover...