Peddling Misery

A sorta-provocative headline at the Washington Post, “It’s Time to Give Socialism A Try,” made me a bit cranky this morning. Having seen this sort of sentiment more times than I can count, I’ve developed a standard first response, along the...

Where’s the Accountability?

The public debate – at least what passes for debate in 2018 – over the Parkland school shooting and what to do about it, continues to evolve. Responses (I won’t call them solutions, because most of them won’t make a hill-of-beans difference to...

Mass Shootings – What Should We Do?

Part 2 Of A Two-Part Look At the Parkland Mass Shooting My first post about the Parkland shooting focused underlying societal sickness that feeds the sort of deranged minds capable of planning and perpetrating such an atrocity. I concluded that a societal shift, and...