At Their Whim

Two stories in recent news, one local, one national, serve as stark examples of the decay of our system of government. In New York City, an attorney that specialized in navigating its difficult and seemingly at-whim pistol permitting process is going to trial for...

Fresh Fools

Every day in America, about 11,000 people celebrate their 18th birthday. That means that, every day in America, about 11,000 people reach voting age. An oft-quoted adage notes, If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a...

Society’s Takers

Lets roll the WABAC Machine’s dials to July 13, 2012, when then-President Obama made his infamous You didn’t build that speech. Or, gaffe, if you prefer, because the turn of phrase outraged many and cranked the rescuing/apologia spin machine into...

Teaching Deceit

I recently caught an interview of comedian Tracy Morgan (from April 2, 2018, interviewed on SiriusXM by the great Ron Bennington), in which Morgan spoke his mind about the harm that political correctness has done to comedy and to society: That PC shit taught us how to...