So Who Is the Authoritarian, Again?

The first presidential election I fully participated in was in 1980. I spent a fair bit of time watching the evening news, and learning from them that Ronald Reagan was willing, nay eager, to start a nuclear war. Furthermore, he had authoritarian tendencies comparable...

Contracts, Marriage, and The State

An under-the-radar Supreme Court Decision, handed down a couple days ago, offers another “be careful what you wish for” lesson to those who support government involvement in our individual interactions. The case, Sveen Et Al. v. Melin, centers on a state...

Some Animals Are More Equal…

Amidst all the brouhaha, folderol, bewailing, and Tier 3+ spinning in regard to the Masterpiece Bake Shop Supreme Court ruling (my take on it is here), we find two words that provide total clarity into the deep rift that exists between today’s Left and the rest...

Thin Batter

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated ruling in the Masterpiece Cake Shop “gay wedding cake” matter. The Court found in favor of the baker, reversing both the Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s ruling against the baker and the...

The Right To Protest

The NFL (or “No Fun League,” as some have dubbed it) got caught between a rock and a hard place when Colin Kaepernick decided to sit during the playing of the National Anthem before games, to protest racism. A major chunk of the NFL’s fan base is...

Weaponized Bureaucracies

The latest allegation in the perpetually sordid deconstruction of this past election is that the FBI planted a mole inside Trump’s campaign. Concurrently, a preview of a pending report by the Inspector General is said to slam the FBI for foot-dragging its review...