by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 6, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion, Politics
As the Kavanaugh confirmation saga nears its end, some news out of Harvard raises an interesting question. The fabled university, either under pressure from activist students or of its own volition, announced that Kavanaugh won’t be returning to teach a course...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 3, 2018 | Culture, Education, Politics
*Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to Losing Americana, and part of a series on the “real” greatness of America. A political friend recently shared the observation: Indoctrination is a necessary evil to keep societies from being torn apart....
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 2, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion
I’m a semi-closeted fan of Antiques Road Show. I rarely have reason to talk about it, and don’t typically plan my schedule to view it, but if I’m channel surfing in the evenings (that’s showing my age – do young people even know of...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Sep 26, 2018 | Culture, Politics
Metaphors are seeds for a hopeful blossoming of greater truth. Otherwise, true stories would be nothing but encyclopedic recitation. Is the Bible undone because we know the world was not made in six days? Both sides of our arrayed partisan battle lines have the seeds...
by Peter Venetoklis | Sep 26, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Politics, Taxation
A recent New York Post article about the appearance of corruption (or cronyism, you decide) in the state’s pension fund included a funny little nugget. The story, about Vicki Fuller, who was the funds chief investment officer and who landed a $275K per year...
by Peter Venetoklis | Sep 6, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Opinion, Politics
They say timing is everything, and they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. We get to see this put to the test this week, as Nike dives into the deep end of the controversy pool by adding Colin Kaepernick to its fall advertising campaign. Kaepernick...
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