by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 9, 2018 | Culture, Opinion
Way, way back in 1987, Steve Martin starred with Daryl Hannah in a fun little movie called Roxanne. The story, based on the play Cyrano de Bergerac, is a romance between a smart, clever, and spirited small-town fire chief in the Pacific Northwest and a beautiful...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 8, 2018 | Culture, Environment, Politics
France continues to be rocked by a populist uprising against the former golden child Emmanuel Macron and his “green” policies, serving notice to the rest of the First World that their citizenries aren’t going to meekly accept hardships imposed from...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 6, 2018 | Culture, Economics
Despite easy and repeated deconstruction, the “gender wage gap” narrative remains a popular talking point among the synthetically aggrieved and the cynically partisan. Its simplicity, “women get paid 78 cents for every dollar men get paid,”...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 4, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion, Politics
You shouldn’t get to run the country. There is much ballyhoo over the rise of the Democratic Socialists, a rise whose epicenter was the surprise primary upset of ten-term Democratic Congressman Joe Crowley by young upstart Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. While...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 30, 2018 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
An intellectual is someone whose product begins and ends with ideas. This quote by Thomas Sowell was among a pile of delicious nuggets in a recent interview of the great thinker posted at Reason. Sowell both defines what he means by “an intellectual” and...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 29, 2018 | Culture, Education, Opinion
My brother and I have a vacation house in upstate New York, a quiet retreat in a small Southern Tier town where we gather with family and/or friends a few times a year to escape from our daily routines. The house is an on-going project for me, and I’ve...
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