by Peter Venetoklis | May 27, 2019 | Culture, Environment
The other day, in comments on a Facebook post about climate change and science denial, I concurred with someone who noted that “CO2 emissions have an impact on climate is established science. The belief this will cause cataclysmic disasters is not,” by...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 23, 2019 | Culture, Economics, Environment, Health, Immigration, Politics
Yes, it’s AOC time again. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, freshman congresswoman, political It-girl, and self-made voice of the Progressive Left and the Democratic Socialists, has offered up yet another interesting piece of blather. The headline, which reads...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 20, 2019 | Culture, Not Politics, Opinion, Politics
Like many others, I found myself rather disappointed in the unfolding of the eighth-and-final season of Game of Thrones. But, like many others, I wasn’t about to walk away after ten years and 70+ episodes, and miss out on the long-awaited reveal as to the winner...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 16, 2019 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
Get into an argument for any length of time with a progressive on matters economic, and (in the spirit of Godwin) your probability of hearing some form of “not-real-socialism,” either in dismissal of past failures or in disconnect from the formal...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 4, 2019 | Culture, Opinion
Or… The Rise of the Hall Monitors Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt did Joe Rogan’s podcast back in January, and a snippet from that airing was helpfully offered to me by Youtube this morning. The topic of that moment was the “when” of the...
by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 28, 2019 | Culture, Opinion, Politics, Taxation
My Facebook feed recently offered me one of those “red meat” posts intended to stoke outrage and mockery. In this instance, it was purportedly (and I stress purportedly – too many people have no qualms about making stuff up, and too many more have no...
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