Our Cultural Reset

Our Cultural Reset

My wife and I have been working our way through Season 3 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, an Amazon Prime comedy that I strongly recommend. At this point of our viewing (mild spoilers), it’s 1960, Midge Maisel’s father, a mathematician and professor at...
Dereliction of Duty

Dereliction of Duty

Government, especially limited government in a free society, has a core purpose: to protect and defend the rights of its citizens. From within and from without. Unless you’re an anarcho-capitalistic parents’-house-cellar-dweller, or a socialistic/fascistic...
Cheap Activism

Cheap Activism

Among the many bits of news and information that recently crossed my feed were two that offered a stark contrast in, lets call it “prog-activism.” The first involved the staging of Mrs. Doubtfire in Seattle. Apparently, the Seattle Times, in an unsigned...
Mining For Malice

Mining For Malice

In a long-ago conversation with someone of a social-justice bent, I offered up the element of the “Protestant work ethic” that’s about “being left alone in one’s toil,” as a goal of people of a libertarian bent. The context was...
Dismissing Ingenuity

Dismissing Ingenuity

Tell me if you’ve heard any of these before: “Automation is destroying jobs, and before long we’ll have massive unemployment.” “Runaway population growth will soon exceed our ability to feed everyone.” “We are facing a bee...

Woke, the Destroyer

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is the first of several that will appear under an Anonymous by-line. Today’s hyper-woke culture has dampened the ability to offer certain critiques without risk of unwarranted personal disparagement. The authors are known to the...