Revelation By Proxy

Revelation By Proxy

As is probably true for most Internet surfers, I sometimes go “on safari” on the Web, letting my nose and the various algorithms take me where they will. Sometimes, those safaris do nothing more than kill time. Other times, though, I intersect something...
Social Corrosion

Social Corrosion

While looking for the exact wording of a Stalin quote, I found this nugget on a Wikipedia page: [E]specially in Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China and Pol Pot’s Cambodia, a fanatical certainty that socialism could be made to work motivated communist...
The Headline Is The Tale

The Headline Is The Tale

Two headlines caught my eye this morning: “Why Vaccines Alone Will Not End The Pandemic” – The New York Times “COVID-19 will likely be with us forever. Here’s how we’ll live with it.” – National Geographic Both articles...