The Perils of False Conflation

The first sentence of Chapter 1 of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” reads: Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them. It’s astounding to consider that, 238 years later, it remains...

Diversity of Desire

Last night I watched the documentary 20 Feet From Stardom. The film, about back-up singers in rock and roll music, won last year’s Oscar for best documentary feature. Not having seen its competition, I cannot attest to whether I agree with the award, but it was...

Someone Else’s Story

I am only one of countless millions who were shocked and saddened by the death, apparently by suicide, of Robin Williams. I grew up listening to his comedy albums (to the point where I can recite some of his bits verbatim) and watching him on television, and as an...

They’ve Always Been There

Spend any time arguing on the internet or simply reading comments sections attached to political opinion pieces and you will certainly bear witness to shocking demonstrations of ignorance, stupidity, bald-faced dishonesty, raging hatred, and invective that would make...

Will Social Media Become a Public Good?

There was a tempest recently when it was revealed that Facebook had conducted a psychological experiment on several hundred thousand users, manipulating news feeds in order to assess emotional reactions. People were outraged, of course. Nowadays, people are outraged...


Most of us have heard of NIMBY, i.e. Not In My Back Yard Turns out, NIMBY is quaint and antiquated. The new guiding principle for busybodies is BANANA, i.e. Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything. In other words, it’s not enough for people to decry...