Principled But Not Absolutist

In the past couple months, I unfriended two people on Facebook over politics. They were both “friends” only via politics – one was invited by a friend of a friend into my blog, and the other friended me because of my political postings – so I...

Their Job Is To Spread Fear

The English physicist Freeman Dyson, one of the great minds of our time, gave an interview at Yale a few years back about his (skeptical) views on anthropogenic global warming. In that interview, he elucidated his belief that those in the climate community who have...

Take All The Time You Want

… just don’t take it from me. Yesterday morning, like every other weekday morning, I dropped my wife off at the local Metro North train station. As I started to leave the station, the one road that leads to the exit was blocked by a car discharging a...

Arrogant Ignorance

There was a video (now deleted) making the rounds of a CNN reporter demonstrating his ignorance regarding firearms, specifically, what an “automatic weapon” is. During a discussion about the Ferguson riots, reporter Don Lemon confused semi-automatic...

Rich People – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

CEO compensation is a favorite bugbear among the class warriors, especially within the context of overall income disparity. I’ve seen people, with utter sincerity and great earnestness, propose capping CEO compensation to some multiple of the lowest paid...

Libertarianism – Going Mainstream

A week ago, the New York Times Magazine published a lengthy piece titled Has the ‘Libertarian Moment’ Finally Arrived? Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had an op-ed Libertarian, Liberal Lawmakers Share Concerns About Police Tactics in Ferguson. Drudge...