Eat, Drink and Be Merry

Daffy Duck, occasional philosopher and sporadic commenter on the human condition, helped himself to a vast hoard of treasure that he and Bugs Bunny came across while ]tunneling their way to Pismo Beach]( Along the way, he...

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Trust Me

So Obama says, on the NSA and his "reforms." So Obama says in his assurance that "no one is listening to your phone calls" despite their recording them all. So Obama says, on drone strikes, secret kill lists, and the authority he granted himself in this regard. So...

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We Wish You (Some) Success

Everyone loves small businesses. People extol their virtues, politicians and the chattering classes always say wonderful things about them and point at them as the source of innovation and jobs creation, and we often hear about how mom-and-pop operations should be...

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Easy Targets

In a recent column, conservative writer Jonah Goldberg discussed how NBC's coverage of the Sochi Olympics completely ignored the horrors of the Soviet Union in its retrospectives and color commentary. Words and phrases included "history's pivotal experiments,"...

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The Diversity Warriors

Take a look at any large organization in the USA and you are certain to find statements and programs dedicated to promoting "diversity." Look at those programs and read those statements and you are likely to find that "diversity" refers to externally observable...

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If AGW is Real, What Do We Do

The extreme cold snaps of January sparked much gnashing of teeth among the chattering classes regarding anthropgenic global warming (AGW) aka climate change aka humans are a scourge on the earth, with some skeptics asking how "warming" is consistent with colder...

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The Hatred of Wealth

Hot on the heels of a CBO report that predicts people will be incentivized not to work because of Obamacare's subsidies (a report that gets the Captain Obvious award, more on that in a moment) comes some truly stupendous sophistry from the administration and its...

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Lawlessness and Legislative Gridlock

President Obama signaled in his SOTU address that his solution to the supposed obstructionism of the Republicans was to pursue his agenda unilaterally, invoking the (ever-increasing) power of the executive branch and the bureaucracy. The obvious part of that pursuit...

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Who’s Really Anti-Science

A common accusation lobbed about by liberals is that anyone who doesn't agree with them is anti-science. It's often heard in global warming discussions, and it often involves the conflation of disagreement with the alarmist side of the theory with belief in...

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Economic Fascism and the Minimum Wage

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the minimum wage is being groomed as a hot-button election year issue. Setting aside the destructiveness of minimum wage increases to job creation, the harm it does to the poor and unskilled, and the overall notion that the...

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Beware of Hillary the Moderate

As Obama's poll numbers continue to tank, as the disaster of ObamaCare becomes increasingly obvious and widely-known, and as the 2016 election season approaches, and as Obama himself continues to rule the nation via executive orders, finger-pointing, divisiveness and...

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The Case For Gay Marriage

One of the hot-button issue of the day is, of course, the debate regarding legal recognition of gay marriage. Apart from the well-known disagreement between Left and Right, the issue is one of several wedges that divides libertarians from many conservatives and...

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The Purity Straw Man

Libertarianism is often dismissed, by both the Left and the Right, as a playground for idealists who are detached from reality and a philosophy whose ideas look great on paper but would never work in the real world. Questions lobbed at libertarians often take the form...

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Heretics and Apostates

A column by Michelle Malkin reminded me of an old observation regarding the special hatred people of the Left hold for those who are expected to be liberals but are not. In her column, Ms. Malkin discussed several instances of people in the political sphere, people of...

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Why is There No Minimum Wage for Artists?

In doing some research on classical vs modern liberalism, I came across an interesting question: Would someone who advocates setting (and increasing) a minimum wage for laborers agree that there should be a minimum wage for artists of various sorts? Should there be...

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The Value of Natural Resources

There is a theory regarding wealth, held by some who see the current state of Africa as simple as the Europeans despoiled the land and took its wealth from the natives, that natural resources are inherently valuable, that a nation's wealth is those resources and that...

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The Equality Unicorn

An oft-stated goal of progressive politics is "equality." Equality is a nice word and a noble-sounding goal, especially in a nation and a world where institutionalized inequality has been the norm for decades and centuries, and both our president and New York City's...

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Will Biden complete his term of office?

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